Jurnal Litbang Sukowati : Media Penelitian dan Pengembangan http://journal.sragenkab.go.id/index.php/sukowati <p>Jurnal Litbang Sukowati is a media of research and development managed by The Regional Development Planning, Research and Innovation Agency of Sragen Regency (BAPPERIDA KABUPATEN SRAGEN) received the manuscript of research journal articles and research results from the general public, universities, institutions, government and other elements from various fields aimed at improving innovation, competitiveness and progress regional development.</p> en-US jurnalsukowati@gmail.com (Wawan Kurniawan) jurnalsukowati@gmail.com (Wahyu Ariyanto) Fri, 31 May 2024 10:08:02 +0700 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Slum Settlement Process at The City Border: Case Study of The Border of Badung District and Denpasar City http://journal.sragenkab.go.id/index.php/sukowati/article/view/410 <p><em>Slum settlements usually occur in city centers, but the LC Jatayu Nakula Timur slum settlement is located on the border of Badung Regency and Denpasar City. This research aims to determine the process of slum settlements in city border areas. This research used spatial approach through a qualitative case study method. Primary data was obtained through observation and interviews, while secondary data was obtained from legal sources. The level of slum settlements was identified using the Regulation of The Minister of Public Works and Public Housing No. 14/PRT/M/2018 as a standart, while the spatial growth of slum settlements was analyzed using a geographic information system. Data from interview was used to support the description of spatial growth process. There are two phases of the slum settlement process: Phase I 2012-2016 and Phase II 2017-2022. This research found that there is a growth of slum settlements every year and the development of economic activity from scavengers to stalls and renting uninhabitable housing. The uninhabitable house rentals have unclear legal status of the land tenure.</em></p> I Made Satya Graha, Dewa Ayu Trisna Adhiswari Wedagama, I Putu Prana Wiraatmaja Copyright (c) 2024 I Made Satya Graha, Dewa Ayu Trisna Adhiswari Wedagama, I Putu Prana Wiraatmaja https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 http://journal.sragenkab.go.id/index.php/sukowati/article/view/410 Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Policy Networking of Solid Waste Management at Semarang District http://journal.sragenkab.go.id/index.php/sukowati/article/view/430 <p><em>The lack of community participation, coordination between actors is still low, actors aren’t yet closely connected, no binding agreement, domination and lack of commitment by government actors are the reasons why the solid waste management policy didn’t run well. According to sustainable development goals, consistent and committed cooperation is needed among the actors. The importance of this research is to analyse the network of policies on waste management. This study uses DeLeon and Varda's and Thomas and Grindle’s. Data collection uses interview with informants selected through purposeful technique and document studies. This study uses qualitative method. The result is the policy networking of solid waste management at Semarang District has almost fulfilled these seven characteristics. It can be more optimal because the actors that represent don’t include business and media actors, the hierarchical power structure, and the inevitable domination of government actors. Supporting factors include elements of participation, pluralism, and openness. The inhibiting factor is the element of collaboration that hasn't been achieved due to the lack of cooperation with business actors. The results above can be used as a reference for widening the collaboration, especially between business actors, community actors, and media actors in waste management in Semarang District.</em></p> Florentina Nurika Retno Ayu Widuri, Tri Yuniningsih, Teuku Afrizal Copyright (c) 2024 Florentina Nurika Retno Ayu Widuri https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 http://journal.sragenkab.go.id/index.php/sukowati/article/view/430 Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Zakat and Human Development Index in Poverty Reduction in Central Java 2019-2021 http://journal.sragenkab.go.id/index.php/sukowati/article/view/434 <p><em>The aim of this research is to analyze the influence of zakat (X1), Human Development Index (X2), wages (X3), and population (X4) on poverty (Y) in Central Java province in 2019-2021. The research carried out this time used quantitative research because the approach was carried out through a process of hypothesis testing, data analysis and creating a conclusion. The data used is secondary data based on time and region which is called panel data. Data was obtained via the BPS and BAZNAS Central Java access pages and processed using E-Views 9, with tests carried out using hypothesis testing and classical assumption testing. Based on the hypothesis test obtained, each variable partially influences poverty, with the result that variable X1 has an insignificant negative effect. Variable X2 has a significant negative effect on poverty. Variable X3 has a significant positive effect. Variable X4 has a positive and significant effect.</em></p> Dimas Bayu Pangestu, Fernaldi Anggadha Ratno Copyright (c) 2024 Dimas Bayu Pangestu, Fernaldi Anggadha Ratno https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 http://journal.sragenkab.go.id/index.php/sukowati/article/view/434 Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Spatial Analysis of Food Security in Indonesia 2022 Using a Geographically Weighted Logistic Regression Model http://journal.sragenkab.go.id/index.php/sukowati/article/view/438 <p><em>The crisis in food security is a problem in many countries including Indonesia. The crisis is important to pay attention to, in order to realize sustainable food security in accordance with the second Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of zero hunger. Achieving food security cannot be separated from making appropriate and targeted policies. Policy making must be supported by accurate, comprehensive and systematic food security information. This study aimed to classify districts/cities in Indonesia into food-secure and food-prone areas and analyze the factors that influence the food security status. The data were analyzed descriptively and inferentially where clustering with k-means method for food security status classification and Geographically Weighted Logistic Regression (GWLR) modeling with Adaptive Gaussian kernel function weights which provided the best model with the smallest Akaike Information Criterion corrected (AICc) compared to other kernels to see the spatial influence in determining the food security condition of a district/city. The results showed that in 2022 there were 388 districts/cities with food security status and 126 districts/cities with food insecurity status. In addition, of the 9 variables used in clustering, there are 5 variables used in GWLR modeling. Three of them are significant in all regions in Indonesia, while 1 variable is locally significant in some regions.</em></p> Diska Agustinningtyas, Irfan Syukri, Gusvia Choiri Nisa, Gloria Stephany Haman Cengga, Muhammad Rafi Ikhsanudin, Budiasih Copyright (c) 2024 Diska Agustinningtyas, Irfan Syukri, Gusvia Choiri Nisa, Gloria Stephany Haman Cengga, Muhammad Rafi Ikhsanudin, Budiasih https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 http://journal.sragenkab.go.id/index.php/sukowati/article/view/438 Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Spline Semiparametric Regression Modeling on Percentage of Poor People in South Kalimantan Province http://journal.sragenkab.go.id/index.php/sukowati/article/view/444 <p><em>Poverty is one of the unresolved development challenges throughout the world, including Indonesia. One of the regions in Indonesia where the percentage of poor people is below the national level is South Kalimantan Province. The percentage of poor people in South Kalimantan Province from 2000 to March 2022 was always below the national level. The economy in South Kalimantan is dominated by the mining and quarrying sector which is less sustainable, allowing the percentage of poor people in South Kalimantan to be prone to increase. Therefore, it is necessary to model the percentage of poor people based on the factors considered to influence it. This study aims to explain how to model the percentage of poor people based on the assumption that the observed variables affect it. To achieve this goal, the technique applied in modeling the percentage of poor people is spline semiparametric regression. As a result of using this semiparametric spline regression, it was found that the model parameters were not significant, requiring separate modeling for parametric and nonparametric regression. Based on the separation of the model, it’s found that using multiple linear regression there are 2 influential predictor variables, namely adjusted per capita expenditure and the percentage of households using proper water.</em></p> Muhammad Munawwir, Fuad Muhajirin Farid, Yeni Rahkmawati Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Munawwir https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 http://journal.sragenkab.go.id/index.php/sukowati/article/view/444 Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 The Disability Work Participation in the Informal Sector in Java Island 2021 http://journal.sragenkab.go.id/index.php/sukowati/article/view/449 <p><em>Persons with disabilities are vulnerable group and often face challenges in accessing inclusive and equal employment. Most persons with disabilities work in informal sector which identic with the absence of guaranteed work contracts, guaranteed wages, guaranteed pensions, health insurance and other benefits. This condition was increasingly not ideal during the COVID-19 pandemic related to the 2021 Imposition of Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM) policy. This study aimed to find out the general description and prevalence of workers with disabilities based on the work sector, examine the influence and tendency of individual and regional variable categories on the persons with disabilities participation in the informal sector in Java in 2021 using a multilevel logistic regression model. The data used was the August 2021 Sakernas raw data and publications of Ministry of National Development Planning and the National Commission on Disabilities. Results showed that multilevel binary logistic regression fitted for modelling the individual and regional variables effect on the work participation of persons with disabilities in informal sector. Individual variables (gender, age, highest education, and job training) and regional variables (the Employment to Population Ratio (EPR) of persons with disabilities) significantly affected the participation of persons with disabilities in the informal sector.</em></p> Finer Mayland Sirait, Rini Rahani Copyright (c) 2024 Finer Mayland Sirait, Rini Rahani https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 http://journal.sragenkab.go.id/index.php/sukowati/article/view/449 Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Factors Affecting Underemployment Status in West Sulawesi 2022 http://journal.sragenkab.go.id/index.php/sukowati/article/view/450 <p><em>Underemployment is a condition of employment where workers work less than 35 hours and are still looking for work or willing to accept work. The Underemployment Rate in West Sulawesi was the second highest with the most significant increase compared to other provinces. This study aimed to describe the overview of Underemployment Status, the effect of individual and regional variables and their tendencies on Underemployment Status in West Sulawesi Province using Sakernas raw data in August 2022, welfare statistics and Sulawesi Barat Province in Figure 2023. The statistical method used was multilevel binary logistic regression analysis with random intercept. The results showed that Male workers, aged 15-24 years, having partner status, having at least high school or equivalent education, working in the informal sector, working in the agricultural field, being head of household, and living in rural areas had higher tendencies of being underemployed. The decline of job availability in West Sulawesi caused highly educated workers to be more likely to be underemployed than those with lower levels. At the regional level, only the UMK did not influence unemployment status. Meanwhile, the low morbidity rate was statistically significant in decreasing the underemployment rate in West Sulawesi.</em></p> Farchany Achmad, Rini Rahani Copyright (c) 2024 Farchany Achmad, Rini Rahani https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 http://journal.sragenkab.go.id/index.php/sukowati/article/view/450 Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Towards Economic Progress: Culinary Center Design as A Strategy For Increasing Economic Growth in Sragen District http://journal.sragenkab.go.id/index.php/sukowati/article/view/461 <p><em>This study aims to analyze regional leading sectors and regional leading products in order to increase economic growth, as well as formulate a strategy for developing the Brigadier General Veteran Katamso culinary center, Sragen Regency. This research uses an explanatory method using primary and secondary data, and uses 3 analytical tools, namely Shift share analysis, Location Quotient analysis and SWOT analysis. The results of the research show that Sragen Regency has six leading sectors, namely the Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing sector, the mining and quarrying sector, the Manufacturing sector, the Wholesale and Retail Trade; Repair of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles sector, the Accommodation and Food Service Activities sector, and the education sector. In this leading sector, Sragen Regency has 16 leading products, namely furniture, batik, household appliances, convection, patchwork crafts, processed food, woven bags, goyor sarongs, bamboo crafts, bird cages, stone crafts, organic rice, bricks , herbal medicine, performing arts, red tilapia, catfish and catfish, and honey. The Culinary Center is part of the development of the food service activities sector. This sector is a regional leading sector which has sectoral growth and large distribution of the GRDP of Sragen Regency. The Brigadier General Katamso Veteran Culinary Center is in a strategic location, and has complete facilities and infrastructure so it has the potential to become a profitable culinary center. In structuring and maintaining the sustainability of culinary centers, it is recommended to provide quality products at competitive prices, organize locations and provide supporting facilities, partnerships to organize related events at these locations, digital marketing that is attractive and distributed regularly and regularly, and strengthens traders' institutions in selling.</em></p> Muzakar Isa, Aflit Nuryulia Praswati, Helmia Khalifah Sina, Agus Wahyudi, Agus Suwondo, Wawan Kurniawan Copyright (c) 2024 Muzakar Isa https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 http://journal.sragenkab.go.id/index.php/sukowati/article/view/461 Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Analysis of Determinants of Inclusive Economic Development in South Kalimantan Province Using The Panel Vector Error Correction Model (PVECM) Approach http://journal.sragenkab.go.id/index.php/sukowati/article/view/467 <p><em>The success of economic development is measured by the level of equality and sustainability, particularly through the Inclusive Economic Development Index (IEDI), emphasizing even economic growth for all layers of society. This research analyzes the relationship between IEDI and influencing factors, namely the Human Development Index (HDI), Economic Growth (EG), and Percentage of Poor Population (PPP), using the Panel Vector Error Correction Model (PVECM) approach in South Kalimantan Province from 2011 to 2021. The results indicate that the data is integrated at the same level, and there is a cointegration equation with an optimal lag of 5, implying that the impact of changes in HDI and economic growth on IPEI can affect IPEI up to five periods. PVECM estimates show that HDI and economic growth significantly influence IPEI in the long and short term. In the long run, an increase in HDI and economic growth negatively impacts IPEI. Meanwhile, in the short term, changes in HDI and economic growth can affect IPEI up to five periods ahead. These findings provide crucial insights for the formulation of inclusive economic development policies in the region.</em></p> Yani Fidiyaningsih, Fuad Muhajirin Farid, Yeni Rakhmawati Copyright (c) 2024 Yani Fidiyaningsih, Fuad Muhajirin Farid, Yeni Rakhmawati https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 http://journal.sragenkab.go.id/index.php/sukowati/article/view/467 Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Analysis of The Substance of Public Complaints and The Popularity of Public Service External Monitoring Institutions in The Region http://journal.sragenkab.go.id/index.php/sukowati/article/view/477 <p><em>Big Data analysis is considered a smart solution for capturing information on the priority scale of public service oversight planning, both from a substance, regional, and institutional perspective. It can be obtained from strategic public service issues which receive much attention from the public and the media within the scope of big data. This paper aims to present a portrait of the problem of the substance of public services and Ombudsman institutions in the regions as a consideration for determining policies for external oversight of public services in Indonesia. The analytical method used is quantitative by optimizing the Intelligence Media Analytic. The aim of the paper is also to assess the level of popularity of the Ombudsman in region. The analysis found 3 agencies that received the highest public service complaints from the media were the Office of Social Affairs, Education, and the Office of Health. The highest complaint is related to Social Assistance matters which can be a priority reference for the supervision of the Ombudsman. In addition, the level of popularity of the Ombudsman in the regions is still low. This paper recommends socialization, strengthening regulations, and focusing supervision on the social, education, and health sectors.</em></p> Andi Setyo Pambudi Copyright (c) 2024 Andi Setyo Pambudi https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 http://journal.sragenkab.go.id/index.php/sukowati/article/view/477 Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700